4 Ways Bruxism Damages Teeth and Gums

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If you suffer from bruxism, then you grind your teeth, either consciously or unconsciously. While some people grind their teeth during the day and are aware of their problem, some have sleep bruxism. They grind their teeth at night without realising when they are asleep. Bruxism can cause a range of physical problems including damage to your teeth and gums. How does grinding your teeth affect your oral health? 1. Bruxism Can Erode Teeth…

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Understanding How Oral Health Can Be Impacted During Menopause

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You’re likely aware of many of the common symptoms associated with menopause, such as weight gain and hot flashes, but did you know menopause can impact your oral health? Hormonal changes, specifically a reduction in oestrogen and progesterone, can impact your immune response to common bacteria found in your mouth and alter the soft tissues of your mouth, such as your tongue, cheeks and gums. This leaves you more susceptible to certain oral health problems, so it’s important to stay up-to-date with your dental check-ups during these years.…

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What Kind of Eating Habits Keep Your Teeth Healthy?

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Healthy and strong teeth help you to chew your food. Chewing your food properly helps you eat nutritious foods and avoid digestion problems. To keep your teeth in good condition, you need to maintain healthy eating habits. This article will cover several simple eating habits that you can incorporate into mealtimes to keep your teeth healthy. Eat fibrous or crunchy veggies during meals Fibrous or crunchy veggies like celery, artichokes, broccoli and carrots give your teeth a good workout at mealtimes.…

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