What You Should Be Doing Between Dentist Check-Ups
Dentist checkups are an important part of dental care. They can be used to detect any dental issues early and prevent further problems. Between checkups, there are several things that you should do to maintain your dental health. There are also symptoms that you should look out for.
Brushing your teeth
You should ensure that you brush your teeth every day using a fluoride toothpaste. This helps to remove plaque from your teeth. The build-up of plaque can lead to cavities, decaying teeth and gum disease. Your toothbrush or toothbrush head, if you are using an electric toothbrush, should be replaced regularly. This is because over time the bristles on the toothbrush can fray which makes it less effective at cleaning your teeth. You may wish to replace your toothbrush sooner if you have been unwell. You should also floss regularly to remove further plaque.
There are some substances that can damage your teeth, so you should limit your intake of them. This includes drinks and food that contain a high level of sugar, as well as coffee and alcohol. You should also drink enough water. This prevents your mouth from becoming dry, and saliva sweeps away leftover food and covers your teeth with beneficial elements such as calcium, fluoride and phosphate. These help to strengthen your teeth. You should also chew sugar-free gum as this improves the flow of saliva. If you smoke, you should try to lower how much you smoke or stop smoking. This is because smoking stains your teeth and over time it can damage your immune system which can lead to gum disease and tooth loss.
Antibacterial mouthwashes can also help to reduce plaque and bacteria. Your dentist can assist you in finding a mouthwash that is a good choice for you.
Warning symptoms
If you experience any symptoms in regard to your mouth or teeth, you should visit your dentist straight away. This includes painful, bleeding or swollen gums, a persistent bad taste in your mouth, pus, loose teeth or abscesses. Loose teeth can occur due to an infection in your gum. Abscesses can cause severe pain. If the glands in your neck are swollen, you have a fever or if you are having difficulty swallowing or talking you should contact your doctor immediately.
If you have persistent bad breath or halitosis that continues after the regular use of good oral hygiene methods, you should visit your dentist.
For more information or assistance with scheduling your next dentist checkup, contact your local dental office today.