Four Major Causes Of Receding Gums

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Receding gums is a condition where the gum retracts towards the base of the tooth. This exposes the sensitive root of the tooth. Receding gums takes place gradually and is only visible after some time. A mouth with a receding gum condition has teeth that appear to be longer and more spaced than normal. It is a condition common in adults and can go unnoticed for a very long period of time. Receding gums is a sign of a serious gum disease, and if the condition is noted, you should see a dentist immediately. It is commonly caused by the following problems.

Aggressive brushing

Brushing with too much force is bad for the gums. Gums are delicate and can easily be damaged by hard brushing. Brushing with a hard dry tooth brush can cause recession on the gums. This is where the gums get damaged and start bleeding and gradually expose delicate parts of your teeth. Always use a soft toothbrush to brush your teeth. Brush in gentle circular motions to avoid gum damage.

Grinding of teeth

Grinding of teeth can either be voluntary or involuntary. It is commonly associated with anxiety. Teeth grinding exerts pressure on the gums, which causes recession. Jaw clenching also causes gum damage due to the pressure exerted on the gums. If you often grind your teeth, visit your dentist who will advise you on the best protective mouth guard. You can also place a warm soft cloth between your teeth during bedtime to minimise the pressure.

During daytime or work time, learn to place your tongue between your teeth. The tongue also helps to minimise the pressure.

Gum Disease

Harmful bacteria in your mouth can cause gum disease. Harmful bacteria in your mouth are commonly caused by poor hygiene habits. The common signs of gum disease are bad breath and loose teeth.

Irregular brushing habits

For healthy gums, regular brushing is necessary. Lack of brushing causes the growth of plaque. Plaque is a sticky substance that is full of bacteria that forms on teeth. If plaque is ignored, it accumulates and forms a substance called tartar. Tartar embeds between the gums and teeth causing gum recession. It is recommended to brush at least twice a day to prevent accumulation of plaque.

Also, visit a dentist regularly for scaling. Scaling helps to remove tartar.

However, in some cases, gum recession can be genetically passed. This is common in crooked dental formulas. In such a case, it is recommended to visit the dentist for proper teeth alignment. For more information, contact a business such as All Smiles Dental Centre.
