How to Keep Your Dental Implants for Longer

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If you have invested in dental implants to replace your lost teeth, you should plan for proper maintenance. Under ideal circumstances, dental implants will last for a long time because the artificial titanium root integrates with the underlying jawbone. However, the lifespan of the implants can be compromised by improper care. Therefore, if you would like to secure your dental health and avoid additional expenses, you must protect these units. Here are some core tips for preventing premature dental implant failure.…

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How Brushing Your Tongue Can Reduce the Risk of Gum Disease

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The average human mouth is teeming with bacteria. In fact, did you know that even in a clean mouth, just one tooth might have up to 100,000 bacterial organisms living on it? But bacteria and fungi don’t just live on your teeth; they live and proliferate on your gum tissue and tongue too. And if you allow them to, those organisms will give you bad breath and increase your risk of gum disease!…

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Why do I Have a Gum Infection?

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Are you suffering from a gum infection? Then you should get to your dentist immediately or arrange for an emergency dental appointment. Gum infections aren’t just painful; they are also indicative of further dental issues. As such, don’t just rely on saltwater and painkillers to get you through a gum infection. You need to identify the cause and cure the infection. Although bacteria cause gum infections, certain conditions need to be present in order for bacterial organisms to thrive.…

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Why Use a Charcoal Toothbrush?

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If you’re looking at eco-friendly toothbrushes, such as brushes made from wood, then you may have noticed that some of these products also come with charcoal bristles. The bristles here are usually infused with a type of charcoal, so they may look grey or even black. They are often marketed as having additional cleaning benefits over traditional bristles. Are there any benefits to using a toothbrush with charcoal bristles? Stain-busting Properties…

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Orthodontics: See What Makes Your Child a Good Candidate for It

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Although some orthodontic problems such as crowded or crooked teeth are genetic, they also develop as a result of an accident, thumb-sucking or teeth loss. Orthodontics is a common and effective dental procedure that most orthodontists use to correct various problems in children’s teeth. So how do you know if your child is a good candidate for orthodontics?  Crossbites An improper fit of the lower and upper teeth is created when the jaw deviates to the side; this is how a crossbite occurs.…

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Will The Enamel Get Damaged Due to Teeth Whitening?

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Teeth whitening or teeth bleaching is a popular procedure people undertake when they want to brighten their smiles. It is quick, painless and affordable, particularly when done under the supervision of the dentist. If you are thinking about trying teeth whitening, one of the concerns you may have is if the bleaching process will damage your enamel. This post will address your apprehension in detail. What is enamel? This is a protective layer that’s designed to cover each tooth.…

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Is It Harmful to Swallow a Tooth?

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Just like the trees that lose their leaves each autumn, did you know that baby teeth are actually referred to as deciduous? They naturally become loose as their root structure is slowly dissolved by the adult teeth growing beneath them before falling out to be replaced by permanent, adult teeth. Sometimes adult teeth don’t last a lifetime though. Improper dental hygiene can lead to gradual decay which, without intervention, can overwhelm the tooth to the point that it breaks off.…

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